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    week 9

    This week I told my fellow group members about some stories my mum used to tell me before in hope that it could somehow be used in our story.

    The first one:

                    There is a woman (buddhist) who could see past lives of many others. So, this man, he is around 50 years old and is working as a security guard at a school. He has been having the same dream for as long as he could remember. Sometimes students would question him about a birthmark located on his shoulder. It was like a tattoo of a man's face. Every night,he would always have this dream where a pregnant lady would cross a road. Like always his dream would end once that particular lady had gotten hit by an oncoming truck. Although he had seen many different psychologist, that repetitive dream  just wouldn't go away.
         One night as he was patrolling the school grounds, he saw a drunken man, so he chased after him. The drunkard tried to run across the road but he was hit by a speeding car. He then went to take a closer look. He was surprised to see that the drunkard's face was exactly like his birth mark on his shoulder. That night, he dreamt about the pregnant lady again but this time she hugged him and thanked him. Since then, he stopped having dreams about the pregnant lady.
          He thought something wasn't rightso he went to see a psychologist again. This time, the psychologist was accompanied by a mysterious woman. She told the man that it has something to do with his past life and not his mental stability. The pregnant lady was actually his mother in his past life and that baby inside is him. When she got hit by the truck, she saw the drivers face and remembered it. And that is how that birth mark is formed.

    The second story:
                     There was a witch who lived inside a forest at the outskirts of a city. She was hung to death along with her husband and her disciple for murdering a minister from a country. One day, a lady who have magical powers(buddhist kinda thing) went to investigate a house inside the forest. She brought a long a few reporters to the place. So, let's name the reporters Mr.A, Mr. B and so on. When they got there, there were 3 big trees outside of the house they were investigating. The lady told the reporters that inside the trees lies the spirit of the witch, her husband and her disciple. When they went into the house, she could see the spirits of little kids in the house, lots of them, now that their master is gone, they are free. Slowly they went upstairs to the witch's room. The lady took a look at the bed, and said "she loves money. Every night she would count her cash on this bed." Suddenly, a bat appeared out of nowhere, Mr. A jumped. The lady mumbled some spell then the bat disappeared. Again, another 2 bats popped out, she mumbled and they disappeard. Mr.A turned around and said "hey hey Mr. B did you see that??" Mr.B looked at him, confused, he replied "No,what was there to see?" Mr.A started worrying if he was seeing things but the lady told her it was because he did not receive a protection charm from her, he could see it.
                     Later, they went outside again to check the yard. They found more than one dead body in her yard. The lady said that the witch made a spell to trap the spirits of the dead people in the hole she dug, and the lady couldn't release them because the reporters life could be endangered. So, she dismissed the spirits.
                     She also told the villagers that they should not wonder around the area of the house because the spirits there are very dangerous.

    Hyper panda ( Shukie ) out


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