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    Week 2

    On the second week, we were told by Mr. Charles to do a power point of the story we came up with and present it in class. He advised us to avoid long endless sentences but instead add in a few pictures to illustrate the story itself to sustain attention from the whole class when presenting.

    From then on we decided to put on a slideshow regarding the opening of our game and not a summary of it with a slight twist to it.

    Since our game is closely related to a horror and mystery genre we plan to read it like a story with the lights dimmed down plus some sound effects. It was based on a theory that our hearing sense will be heightened due to the lowered visual capability and hence the dimmed lights that we plan to do. Besides that, the creepy atmosphere in the classroom itself could be increased dramatically.

    Here is the slideshow that was prepared:


    Unfortunately, Mr. Charles somehow has forgotten about what he assigned us on that day, I presume?? Instead he assigned us another assignment where we had to create a mind map instead preferably on pieces of large sized butter paper. Well the sudden change did not bother me too much as like what Mr. Charles said that we must practice to be flexible when it comes to working with clients as they will of course make unpredictable decisions without prior notice. Anyways I do find Mr. Charles forgetfulness quite amusing at times considering the amount of misplaced pens and pencils he has done.

    Emo panda (Jien Li) out.


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