• put your amazing slogan here!

    Week 11

    Basically, we made our game video out of scenes that we cut out from different videos. We chose a few videos that we think it fits with our game and this is a list of it:

    These are the images that we used in the video. Credits goes to the owner of the images.

    We booked a discussion room in the campus' library and we all sat around to discuss about our game. We spent hours searching through YouTube looking for suitable videos, fantasy-like images from google images, planning about the video. We talked about how to start the video and Shukie (Hyper Panda) drew the Panda logo with colours that each of us like. She also drew some drawings with her tablet which were seen in the video.

    Here's a short animation drawn by Shukie using a program in her laptop:

    Panda logo

    Rainbow Panda (Jie Yi) <3


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