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    Week 18 ( Final Project Launch )

     The day finally came where we had to start our stimulation and we were quite rushed during preparation before it started but luckily everything went well.

    Here's the poster for our simulation:

    Below is a video that shows what happened to the players in our game:

    We managed to end earlier than the given time frame and thank god for that.


    Hmm , the actual day for our stimulation game. We have busy with preparing all those stuff even could forgot about lunch and dinner.

    As we all are still junior and we never set a game before; things not goes as smooth as what we expect due to lack of time .. X0

    7.oo p.m. sharp ! We all went to the gathering place as has been mentioned by "CEO?"
    She gave a short briefing to Mr. Charles and Mr. Ken then the game started.

    Here is the video of our game:

    Chloe ( Scientific panda )


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