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    Week 14

         So this week, we stayed back again to discuss and plan the game at one of the discussion rooms in our library. We need to make a briefing video for Mr. Charles next week and we were all very stressed out as there was still many holes to fill up. The videos are about some people who tried our product, Oneiro Kosmo,  giving their feedbacks about it.  Fortunately, we were able to finish video-ing and put it into the slides.

    ^Boss of Oneiro Kosmo

    ^User of Oneiro Kosmo

    ^User of Oneiro Kosmo

    How to get into Oneiro Kosmo is by a chair. The design is based off a massage chair:

    ^ This massage chair

    Since people will be sleeping on it so I thought i should make it comfortable, hence, the idea of using a massage chair. Here is the deign of the Oneiro Chair:


    Originally there weren't any white dots on it, but it looked weird and empty so i added them. Why white dots? Because "Oneiro Kosmo" sounds space-y, and when I think of space I think of stars! It is also one of the reasons why its in a dark colour. Another reason is that you'll feel like sleeping compared to bright colours.

    These are the cover for the user manual. Mr.Charles gets the second one as he is fixes the Oneiro Chair. 

    Video about the Óneiro Kósmo:

    Here's a video of a briefing of our game to our fellow coursemates:

    Hyper Panda(Shukie) out

    stayed back to do shit -ok
    post slideshow with jie yi
    and video outtakes: max dayana kokulan part 
    talk abt how stressed up we were -ok
    post video abt explanation to course mates video is with jl


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