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    Week 10

    We have at long last finalized our story and it is far different from what we've originally planned out at the start plus I assure you it's way better. 

    Our general idea on the story is about how our society has invented a way that enable us to actually live in the dream world where things are much more easier than the actual concrete world. It is kinda related to the movie Inception to some extend where the idea of the dream world is the actual reality. 

    Well since we had the basis of our story in check now we have to do actual detailed planning on the gameplay. 

    Before we actually did any planning and thank god for that Mr. Charles then informed us that our game must consists of the 8 steps that were taught to us throughout the semester which were:

    1. Ask 
    2. Learn
    3. Look
    4. Play
    5. Think
    6. Fuse 
    7. Choose 
    8. Make

    Emo panda ( Jien Li ) out


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