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    Week 8

    This week, we decided to remove the plot twist that we thought of during the beginning of the planning of this game. Instead, we came up with a better idea for the game. The idea of using bells that will be part of our game was based on a popular Korean reality show called Running Man. I shall give a little bit of explanation but bear in mind that we are not allowed to give away any major hints or storyline to keep this game playable and interesting.

    Our plan with the usage of bells goes like this. There will be creatures lurking around during the night and the player is not supposed to see the creatures. Just to make the game fair, bells will be tied onto the creatures to allow the players to know when the creatures are nearby. The ringing of the bells can also be directly translated as "Ruuuunnnnnnn" and this actually benefits the player so that they can run away or hide from it. Now here comes the fun and exciting part of the game. While hiding away from the creatures that are chasing and looking around for the player, the latter will also have to find a particular creature which is also one of those that are chasing the player in order to win. This is indeed a vicious cycle.

    This is only a part of the game. Are you interested ? No worries, more exciting hints and minor explanation of our game coming soon !

    Rainbow Panda (Jie Yi) <3


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