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    Week 13

          After watching every groups videos last week, Mr.Charles came to a point where there are two teams left - Flaming Pandas(us) and Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted. He couldn't decide on which team so he wanted us to vote instead. Before voting, he wants both teams to elaborate more on our game, but since ours is a mystery game, we couldn't reveal too much. We had our vote on Facebook. We have a total of 18 people in the class and it ended with a tie of 9-9. Regina, who was with us until she left the course few weeks ago, voted for our group and that is the story of how we won by 1 point. HURRAY FLAMING PANDAS!!! Then there is the leader of the other team being a sore loser, complaining for not getting Regina's vote and badmouthing her, not to mention releasing his anger on his classmates.
    Anyways, we were given 5 tags for winning the vote. We also discussed the launching date of the game. It was originally 6June-7June but it was postponed until week 18 because not all of us can make it on that day and Mr. Charles is also busy with his duties. He also said to assign each and every group a task and write about it in our blog, also to book the rooms we needed to use and that we should only limit ourselves within the school grounds. We also had to discuss the duration of the game and let him know by the end of the week.
           Once the discussion has ended, we are dismissed.

    Hyper Panda(Shukie) out


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