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    Week 1

    Before I start out with my group's process on the final project I would like to inform my dear readers or just Mr. Charles that each post will be written from the point of view of one member and will not be represented as the whole flaming panda group as I think that it's much more easier to explain whatever that has transpired throughout that certain week.

    The day where Mr. Charles finally launched the final game project after weeks of hinting us about it got us really excited about the background story of our game.

    Well being me, I wanted something dark and gory and thankfully my fellow group members agreed with that genre. Me and Jie Yi were reading up about the russian sleep experiment which can be found in the link below and I had a thought that our story could be based off on that particular story.

    Russian sleep experiment

    Amusingly the basis of our story was thought of during our short walk to the lift after class and so from there we started constructing our story. Unfortunately we had to cut short our brainstorming session because we had another class to attend for.

    The day after the whole flaming panda group had a heated discussion about our story since we had some time to kill before class started.

    What we've basically achieved throughout the week was a brief outline of the story and we were yet to go in depth about it so there isn't much to upload here just yet.

    Emo panda (Jien Li) out.


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