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    Week 6

    Mr. Charles held a tutorial session for each group to see our progress in the making of each and every group's game. 

    Me and my teammates decided to carry out the slideshow presentation that we've planned before which was stated in the previous blog posts but instead of dimming the lights we decided to blindfold Mr. Charles only. We planned that what we did on that particular day would be the intro to our game. 

    In hopes on obtaining tags and at least getting a higher mark than 50 for our ideation 2 we tried our best despite having the whole class looking at what we were doing. Till this day I regret not video taping Mr. Charles reaction when I asked him whether it was okay to blindfold him. 

    Thankfully everything went smoothly with no major interruptions but we gave off an impression that our game was centered around a sensory concept which was totally off course from what we've originally planned. Well I for once couldn't deny that we were heading towards that particular concept as Mr. Charles was surprised and excited that we planned on doing some kind of sensory game. So after Mr. Charles left we decided to actually implement that concept into our game.

    I've actually played a video game that relies on our hearing senses only. Below contains the walkthrough of that said game. 

    This is in fact an absolutely wonderful game and it's not just because it's voiced by the sexy Cumberbatch hahahahaha.

    Personally, I really do think that creating a sensory game is a great idea but we have to do major changes into our original game plan and it was quite tough as we tried not to change the storyline of our game at all. 

    Emo panda ( Jien Li ) 


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